10 things your makeup artist won’t tell you

10 things your makeup artist won’t tell you

Are you getting your makeup done by a professional makeup artist? Curious about what you can do to make the entire process more efficient and enjoyable for both of you? Well, we asked our followers for some of the things that they wish you knew prior to sitting in their makeup chair that they may not have the heart to tell you. Here are 10 things you should keep in mind when you are getting your makeup done professionally. 

“Get the heck off your phone!” -@gigithemua

Imagine your makeup artist having to work around the phone you are holding up to your face or ears. It is a chore for them to have to work around it and frankly, it interferes with their ability to do their best work. So for your session, get off your phone at least until your makeup is done. 

“Having lots of peach fuzz doesn't make the skin look smooth. Shave it before your appt”. -@itsmechrxs

If you have lots of peach fuzz (light facial hair) make it part of your ‘prep the skin’ agenda and shave it before makeup begins. After all, you truly want to look your best, and shaving it off makes it easier for your makeup artist to work and deliver a flawless foundation application. 

“Please be considerate of our time. We have other clients to service and lives of our own to get to.” -@linazunigaofficial

We understand that your makeup appt is a top priority for you and that things may come up at the last minute so you may need to change things around. But keep in mind if your makeup artist is good and sought after then they are usually over booked and trying to accommodate multiple clients which can be a real challenge. Please try to be understanding and considerate of their time. This includes arriving on time to your appointments, communicating only when necessary, and respecting their protocols. 

“Don’t wear makeup to go get your makeup done…I want a clean canvas” -@maria_tritt0

This one is important. The golden rule in makeup is that you always start with a clean base. Therefore, you should remove old eyeliner and mascara. Cleanse, tone, and moisturize your face before going for your makeup session. This will ensure that the makeup application is smooth with less creasing. 

“Listen to direction, sit up straight, and chin up.” -@bombshell.melissa

Once your makeup session starts, listen to the instructions that your makeup artist gives and follow them to ensure an efficient and enjoyable process. If they ask for feedback, tell you to close your eyes, tell you to smack your lips together, etc., be sure to follow these instructions because they are key to a great makeup application process.

“Have realistic expectations. The goal is to enhance… not turn you into Kim K”. -@_makeup_by_vanessa

It’s perfectly natural to get wrapped up in unrealistic expectations because of the endless amount of images found on Social Media. However, the goal of makeup is to enhance your looks and not to change you into a whole other being. In the end, you should still look like you. To keep your expectations realistic, have a conversation with your makeup artist about what is possible and what will not work out.

“Just because I'm close to your face doesn't mean you should stare me in the eyes” -@adrianaustariz

Yes, we agree that makeup artists have to be close and personal with your face, no, we don’t endorse giving them the heebie-jeebies through creepy eye contact. Remember, having both you and the artist comfortable is important for a great session.

“Brush your teeth before or have a breath mint!” -@nyc_princess_jasmin

This is a given of course since the makeup artist will be close and personal to your face and hence, bad breath is not desirable at all! If you have had coffee, tea, or a cigarette prior to your makeup artists’ arrival please make sure to brush your teeth before your session begins.

“Please minimize distractions, phones, eating, other people, etc.” -@dulcekbeauty

Distractions, movement, phone calls, etc. will interfere with your makeup artist’s process and concentration and make it difficult for her to create your perfect look undisturbed. If you want them to work efficiently and give you all their attention, then minimize distractions such as movement, phone, eating, other people, etc.

“When I say don't move that includes talking, especially during eyeliner”. -@menaaa_31

Silence during your session is important because it helps your makeup artist achieve those clean crisp lines so your face moving will only make things difficult for them. Imagine trying to write on a moving piece of paper. Not fun! Ask for a break if you want to say something and especially when your makeup artist is working on delicate details like mascara, lipstick, and eyeliner. All in all, the end goal for every makeup artist is to make you look and feel your very best. So anyway that you can help them achieve this goal is not only extremely helpful but beneficial for you.

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